Acoelorraphe wrightii palm tree seeds
Everglade palm. A palm from the Florida and Carribean. Needs lots of water. The fan-shaped leaves an...
Acoelorraphe wrightii palm tree seeds
Everglade palm. A palm from the Florida and Carribean. Needs lots of water. The fan-shaped leaves an...
Archontophoenix Alexandrae palm tree seeds.
This palm has its origin in Australia. It will also grow well indoors with enough light.
Butia odorata palm tree seeds.
This palm is origianly from the south of South America. At night is can become very cold. It can tak...
Beaucarnea recurvata palm tree seeds,(elephant's foot, ponytail palm)
Also known as the elephant's foot or ponytail palm. This palm is often grown indoors as a houseplan...
Caryota mitis. Common name: Clustering Fishtail Palm. A large clustering species native to India to ...
Chamaedorea Elegans palm tree seeds
This small palm is often seen inside the house. It can take about minus 5c degrees frost. Likes the ...
Chamaedorea Seifrizii palm tree seeds.
This is also know as the bamboopalm. It can take about minus 5°c frost. Take it inside in the winte...
Chamaerops humilis palm tree seeds
A popular and widespread hardy fan palm occurring naturally in the countries around the western half...
Cordyline Australis (white flowers)
The famous Cordyline or Torbay palm. Green leaves and white scented flowers. Hardy down to about min...
Cyrtostachys Renda (lakka) lipstick palm tree seeds
This beauty is not hardy but grows well in a conservatory. Off course it grows well outside in the s...
Dictyosperma album var. conjugatum palmtree seeds
The smallest of the three varieties of Dictyosperma is native only to tiny Round Island in the India...
Dypsis Madagascariensis palm tree seeds.
The origin is Madagascar. This fast growing palm will sometimes have one trunk but can also grow as ...
Geonoma Interrupta palm boom zaden
Deze palm zal redelijk klein blijven. Het is zeer geschikt als potplant. Het zal s winters naar bin...
Hyophorbe Verschaffeltii palm tree seeds
An ideal palm for the terrace or balcony. It grows well in a pot or tub. Not hardy.
Licuala spinosa Mangrove fan palm, good luck palm, spiny licuala palm tree seeds
Licuala spinosa, the Mangrove fan palm, is a species of palm in the genus Licuala. The plant is nati...
Livistona Chinensis palm tree seeds.
Winter hardy down to about minus 8°c. It germinates easily at about 25°-30° c.
Livistona Rotundifolia palm tree seeds
This beautifull palm is ideal for inside or outside. It will germinate and grow quickly.
Livistona Saribus palm tree seeds
First found in South East Asia. This palm has dark green shiney leaves. An adult plant with bear pre...
Phoenix Canariensis palm tree seeds (Canary Palm)
This palm will germinate quickely at room temperature. It can take about minus 8 degrees of frost. G...
Phoenix Roebelenii palm tree seeds
This small palm will grow easily. Ideal as a terrace palm.
Phoenix Rupicola ( klippen dadelpalm ) palm tree seeds
From India. This middle sized palm will take about 5 degrees of frost.
Ptychosperma Elegans palm tree seeds
A beautifull palm, but one to take inside in the winter. It can take only about minus 2° c frost.
Ptychosperma Macarthurii palm tree seeds.
This palm tree is from Australia. It will grow in clumps with attractive light green leaves. Ideal f...
Roystonea regia Florida. (Florida Royal Palm)
The Florida Royal is said to have a somewhat taller, straighter trunk than its cuban type. It has hu...
Sabal domingensis palm tree seeds
Sabal domingensis is found from northwest Haiti to the central Dominican Republic, and is also prese...
Sabal Mauritiiformis, Bay Palmetto palm tree seeds
From South America. It is an easy palm te grow. It has large hanging leaves. Spectaculair to the ey...
Sabal mexicana palm tree seeds
Sabal mexicana is a species of palm tree that is native to North America. Aka: Rio Grande palmetto, ...
The Sabal Minor is a small palm. It will not grow larger than about 2 meters high. It's very hardy a...
Sabal Minor Louisiana Palmetto palm tree seeds.
Hardy down to minus 20 degrees c. Easy to germinate. This is one of the smallest Sabals.
Sabal Palmetto palm tree seeds.
Winterhardy palmseeds. This is the Sabal Minor's big brother! It can take frosts down to about minus...
Syagrus Romanzoffiana palm tree seeds.
A very populair palm and also easy to grow. After the Phoenix and Washingtonia type, this is the mos...
Trachycarpus Fortunei palmtree seeds, Chusan or windmill palm.
This is a very hardy palm. It's the well known and very populer west an north European winter palm. ...
Washingtonia Filifera palm tree seeds.
Washingtonia Filifera, very easy to grow. It germinates within 3 or 4 weeks at room temperature. A ...
Washingtonia Robusta palm tree seeds.
The Robuster is taller and the trunk is more slender than the Filifera, but can also teke more damp ...